On becoming a dinosaur

 While working on assembling a photo carousel to advertise my latest harem pants project, I needed to search the internet for an app or software to create mp4s. Also, recently, in order to update my old bellydancermarta.com site, I needed to take a course in HTML5 because the last time I worked on the site was in HTML3 and a LOT of things have changed. In the 8 years I worked for the State of California, I did not keep up my skills in web development. I thought I could just go back and pick up where I left off when I retired. LOL What an optimist. I have realized that I am becoming a dinosaur.

I started reflecting on where my work is now. My book (Anmutig und fit durch Bauchtanz) is now sold second-hand on eBay and referred to as 'vintage.' And it is available on vintage book sites. Several of my costumes are also being sold second-hand on eBay and elsewhere and referred to as 'vintage.' My original website is definitely vintage, though I refer to it as historical. :) So, basically, I am 'vintage.'

Let's face it, I was born in the last century.


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