One of those days of just an average individual

We’ve all had them. One of ‘those‘ days. One of those days of just an average individual. The day starts off great, I’m getting things done, I’m planning, I’m doing. Then it starts. Things go wrong.

Plan A

I was going through my new book on HTML 5 and CSS and starting a timeline for the new site. Ray knocks on the door and we decide to go for a walk. It’s a beautiful, sunny day. I need my cane anyway as the numbness in my feet throws me off-balance occasionally. Halfway through the walk, Ray starts getting double vision and loses his balance. We stop and sit a bit to see if it will pass. It doesn’t. Taking his arm, we hobble together the rest of the way home.

Not Planned 1

Ray makes an appointment for the eye-doctor for tomorrow. He is walking sideways every time he gets up to go anywhere. He made a eye-patch. When one eye is covered, the dizziness is slightly better.

Not Planned 2

Workers show up to check why there is a rain leak on the back sliding doors. Two years ago we installed new doors. They removed the molding above the doors. We see that the window cap flashing is exposed, showing that it was installed backwards. Due to the flashing being installed incorrectly, the water is directed toward the door instead of to the outside. Sigh.


My two kittens have an appointment for grooming. Because of the goings on in the house with workers in and out, and Ray stumbling around, they are spooked and are hiding out. I managed to get Quimby into the carry case and have her waiting, meowing, in the laundry room. Flora is located, but she is squirming because she hears Quimby and thinks the world is ending. I barely make it downstairs with her squirming legs flying everywhere.

Plan B

I arrive at PetSmart and realize I have forgotten the rabies vaccination papers. They won’t touch the kittens without proof. I checked my email. I recall received copies by email. Can’t find them. Call Ray and ask him to txt photos of the documents to me. Explain that the docs are upstairs in the computer room in a yellow folder. Just as he txt me the pics, I find the email. One of those days of just an average individual.

Grooming goes pretty much with ease. Ok, they needed to put a cone on Quimby and a harness. She’s never had either, so she is weirded out. Flora’s cool. We get home. Ray lets me know the workers will be back tomorrow to complete new flashing and other repairs on one section of the roof. I check my txt messages: $900.

Not Planned

I made a temporary eye patch for Ray. I converted one of the fabric masks we wore early on during COVID.

Plan C

Oh, and we were planning to go out to dinner tonight, but that’s not possible now. Tomorrow I will drive Ray to the eye doctor. Hopefully it is not something serious. Possibly an inner ear issue, or nerve issue. One of those days of just an average individual.

What. A. Day.

Read about some of my better days here. They’re not all like today!!


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